Lesson #1 Hacking win 9x File and Print Sharing ------------------------------------- Written by Phiber Phiber@hack3r.com 7/31/00 ------------------------------------- The reason I wrote this is only for knowledge. Once you know the dangers of file and print sharing, you will be able to protect yourself. Please do not use this knowledge maliciously. Ok, I figured that most of the people reading this are going to be newbies, and are probably using windows, so I decided this would be a good tutorial to start everything off with. In this lesson, you will learn how to find and remotely connect to a windows 95/98 machine via file/print sharing. ------------------------------------- There are many different programs out there that can scan ranges of ip's and find file/print shares. Probably the most popular would be Legion by Rhino9. So for this lesson, do a search for Legion and download it. If your using Linux, don't worry, you can still participate, find a program called winhackgold. By this point you should have Legion loaded up and already be playing around with it. To start, your going to need an IP address. Try scanning the other users on your ISP. For example, my IP is, so in the SCAN FROM section I would type 24.26.165. In the TO section type 165, unless you have other subnets that you want to scan, but for now I don't recommend it. Legion will scan all the .1 - .265 and check for Net Bios support; you should see these machines in the left column. Then it will connect to all of the machines in the left hand column using NET VIEW command to see if there are any open shares, you will see these appear in the right hand column. This is what it should look like if one is found: Shared resources at \\ Sharename Type Comment ----------------------------------------------------------------- A Disk Floppy CDRIVE Disk C:\ Drive CDROM Disk CD-Rom Read Only The command was completed successfully. Now that you have found a share, all you have to do is connect to it. Right click on the Network neighborhood and click on 'find computer...’ then type in the IP address of the share you found. You will now be able to connect to the computer and view the files through windows explorer. If your using windows and are worried that people will connect to your computer using this method, then there is only one sure way of protecting yourself, and that’s to turn file/print sharing OFF! If you absolutely must use it though, use READ ONLY access. Well that’s enough for today, look for more tutorials soon to come. Send comments, questions, or death threats to Phiber@hack3r.com