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    ______________________I          Topic:             I_____________________
   \                      I                             I                    /
    \     HTML by:        I     THE PROPER WAY TO       I   Written by:     /
    >                     I       FSERV ON IRC          I                  < 
   /      Martin L.       I_____________________________I   Gueriila        \
  /___________________________>    Version 1.0     <_________________________\



A. Introduction

So you've been on IRC for a while and you've stumbled across a channel for fserving, but now your lost. What is all this? So you ask around, and of course, no one helps (one habit of the IRC crowd). So you finally figure part of it out and get in one (I'll get to the technicalities later). But now you're really lost. You are officially up shit creek without a paddle. So you message the host a question and he bans you. As you bow your head and say "fuck", remember, some things in cyberspace aren't user friendly. Don't get pissed, just learn.

B. Disclaimer/Terms of Use

The 'The Proper Way to Fserv on IRC' tutorial is:

Copyright 1999
Dakota Bryant
All Rights Reserved

So use my directives as guidelines of the distribution of it. First of all, this tutorial is to be used as an educational tool and doesn't support or advocate any illegal or immoral actions that the information in it could be used for. If you wish to distribute it through your website, newsgroup, mailing list, etc. please feel free. Just leave it unedited and un-altered. Some of the websites that I have links to at the end of this tutorial may contain illegal materials of piracy and other information that may be deemed illegal in your state, country, etc. These sites are, like this tutorial, also to be used only for educational uses only. If you agree to follow the preceding directives, then please continue reading, otherwise, please delete this tutorial from your system. Thank You.

C. Conventions Used in this Tutorial

Like most things in life, this tutorial suggests that you understand certain aspects of the subject matter or common components of it. Upon writing this tutorial I realize that many people reading this are the absolute beginners. What I mean by this is that some people reading this learned of Fserving and the advantages of it, so they got mIRC, but they don't really understand how to use mIRC in the first place. So this tutorial suggest that you have an understanding of mIRC and the ideals behind it. Also that you understand your operating systems file structure (i.e. The Windows hard drive is drive C:\). And finally that you are pretty knowledgable of computers and software. You don't have to have the expertise of a hacker or programmer, but you do need some computer know-how. You also must be using mIRC, which is what I use Now if you've got all of that covered, please continue.

D. Viewing this Tutorial

I wrote this tutorial in NoteTab Light, which is one of the best text editors on the planet (www.notetab.com - SHAMELESS Plug, I know). So obviously viewing it in it will work fine, and it will look fine. Windows NotePad will also work fine, as will WordPad. If it doesn't look right in whatever editor/viewer you use, then I really don't know what to say. Just use NotePad, WordPad, or NoteTab Light. Though it should look fine in anything that reads ASCII text.


A. How an Fserv Works

Now that is something that even the most experienced Fserv hosts don't even understand. And to use one and understand what's going on, you do need to understand how it works. Now this is more theoretical than I'd like, but it's necessary. When someone sets up an fserv (which we'll get to later) all they use is a SCRIPT, which is just a few files that modifies mIRC's appearance and how it works. And what all these files do, is take the hosts place and do what the user wants based on the commands that he/she types. So when someone types the appropriate trigger for the fserv, all the script does is go "Holy shit! He typed the trigger!", then it opens an everyday, nothing out of the normal, DCC Chat window with the person. Then the user types commands and the script does what it's told. So basically, all the script does is take your place. So, where someone would say to you "Hey send me that Lynyrd Skynyrd mp3!", the person says "get freebird.mp3" to the script and the script sends it. You see, computers are real dumb, so that is why it has commands and the script uses these commands to do what you could, but faster and more efficiently. Now if that's a little daunting, don't worry. After you learn how to use one, it will either make sense or not matter. If you set up your own fserv it will make sense though.

B. Common Commands

Now some commands differ from script to script, but there is a common set that all scripts use. Now, if you are familiar with DOS, then these will make sense. One syntax note: when a word appears between <these> , then that means you fill the space basically. So if the tutorial says " get <filename> " Then you should replace filename with the appropriate word (So if you wanted picture.jpg then you'd type get picture.jpg). And to keep this 'beginner friendly' I chose only the bare-bones commands. Please continue.

Command What it Does - Example
DIR/LS Lists files - N/A
GET gets files - get <filename>
CD Changes Directory - cd <foldername>
CD .. Goes up a directory - cd ..

Now to understand what the user/host's computer connection is, I'm going to have to explain a little bit of the fserv setup process. Now, when someone (the host) sets up an fserv, they edit and configure the script, which is just basiclally changing options. And one of those options is a ROOT DIRECTORY. The root directory is the first directory. So if his root directory is C:/Folder/First/ Then the first directory you're in when you get on his fserv is C:/Folder/First/ . So when you are changing directories and such, then you are changing directories on his machine. So basically, the script is just letting you know what's available (what folders you have accesst to) and let's you make your decisions on what files to get. You see, there is no real server involved. All it is is a script which acts like one by accpting commands and sending and getting files. Now on to sending and getting.

C. Uploading and Downloading Information

1. The Credit System

The Credit System is one of the largest and most intriguing aspects of fserving. It really is one of the few things, besides just plain generosity, that would make someone want to become a host. But what is it about? Well let's suppose you get on a fserv that deals with mp3s (for legalities sake, let's say 'legal' mp3s). Ok, so the guy who hosts the thing doesn't just want to give out mp3s, I mean why would he? It's simply human nature to want something in return. So that's where the Credit System comes in. You see, if the guy's fserv script uses the Credit System, then he can 'charge' for the mp3s. And I don't mean money, I mean, well, credit. You see, here's how it works. There are three kinds of fservs, all of which have some sort of Credit System (I'll get into each one in detail later). Now, with the Credit System, the hosts sets 2 things: STARTING CREDIT and RATIO. Both of these are very important to how your fserv experience goes (and which fservs you use). Ok, lets start with Starting Credit. Starting Credit, is simply, how much Credit you start with. Much like how much money you start with in a game of Monopoly. Now remember, all values are in BYTES, not KILOBYTES. So if the Starting Credit is 1000000 , then you start with a MEGABYTE worth of credit. So what is Credit for, you ask. Well, if you want a mp3 thats 3 megs, then you need 3 megs of Credit (which is 3000000 in byte/credits form). So how do you get that credit? Uploading, which I'll get into later. Now lets get into Ratio, which is just as important as Starting Credit, if not more. Now what Ratio is, is a way for a hosts to allow more credit to be given to uploaders. Why this was even thought of in the first place is not even known, but it's still implemented in almost every script. Now, ratio is represented by the same means as in Mathematics, with 2 numbers seperated by a colon (2:3). Now how it works out in lamens terms is different. Ok, this can be confusing. If a fserv has a 1:2 ratio, than that basically means for every byte that I upload I get 2 bytes back. So, if I upload a 500k picture (equal to 500000 bytes/credits) to a this fserv, then I get 1 meg of credit back (equal to 1000000 bytes/credits). The same works for different ratios such as 1:4. Except, in this case for every byte uploaded, you get 4 bytes back, and so on. Now, what about LEECH? If you've been to the fserving channels before, you've heard that term tossed around. Well, it's actually simple. Let's suppose your on a Mp3 fserv, and it says in his RULES MESSAGE that he'll give Leech for an Mp3 of a certain song. So you know that you've got it, so you upload it. Then he'll give you Leech, which means you have infinite Credits. Basically, Leech is like being able to have anything in a store for free. There are also LEECH FSERVS, which I'll get into later.

2. Uploading

Now here's a topic that evaded me for a long time. First of all, you should know by now what you upload for (Answer: Credit), and what happens when you upload (The file gets sent to the hosts computer). But how do you upload? Well, it's actually very simple. If the script takes the hosts place, but pretty much does the same things, then if you wanted to upload to the fserv, then all you have to do is do a DCC Send to the fserv! It's that simple. And after your file is done sending, then you get your credit. Always in that order. Now, there is some ethics and manners involved with this, but I'll get into that in a bit.

3. Downloading

Also a very simple topic. Ok, basically, you get a file by using the command "get <filename>" (without the quotes). But first, you must have enough Credit. Which you do by uploading, of course. So this is a simpler subject and the very essense of fserving. Now, there is a limit to how much you download at a time. It depends on the fserv though. This will be discussed when I teach about hosting your own fserv later on in the tutorial.

D. Information on the Types of Scripts

1. Byte Ratio Scripts

The most popular of the Scripts simply because the host is guaranteed something in return. Very simple, because it uses the exact Credit System I described above. Where the Ratio describes bytes sent:bytes returned. This is the Script type of choice for Mp3, Video, Porn, etc. hosts. As said before, this type Script is used anytime that the host wants something in return for supplying everyone with these files. Thus, it is claimed as the King of Scripts.

2. File Ratio Scripts

A very bizarre type of Script. Not many people use it anymore because of the high potential of 'rip-offs'. It uses the same Credit System with the exception that instead of the Ratio being bytes sent:bytes returned , it's files sent:files returned. So you can easily see what the potential for getting 'ripped' is. For example, let's use that mp3 fserv again. So, this mp3 fserv is using a File Ratio Script with a 1:3 ratio. So after someone uploads a file (yeah, any file) then he then gets permission to download 3 files. Yeah, bytes/credit has nothing to do with anything. The problem is that I could upload 2k picture and then get 3 files for basically nothing. These are rare these days, but I suppose, are still used in trusted enviornments - Private Channels where only trusted people are given access. Though in most other cases, these aren't used that often. Surprisingly Leech Scripts are way more common.

3. Leech Scripts

These are surprisingly popular, though not as popular as the Byte Ratio Scripts. These are just as they say, completely Leeched to everyone. So there are no Ratios, no Uploading, no Starting Credits, and definately no ways of getting Leech (I mean you already have it!). These also usually come with another feature, not often found on other types of Scripts, QUEUES. Very simply, Queueing is a way that you can send out minimal files while still giving them all they need. Basically a Queue is a 'slot' that, once the maximum amount of simultaneous sends has been met, will hold the file 'til a slot opens up, then send it. So if a fserv only allows 2 Simulataneous downloads and there's 2 files being sent, and I try to get a file, the script will put it in a Queue Slot, which then will send it when one of the sends are done. So it basically holds it until it can send it. If you don't understand, you will when you use one. It's still a very nice feature. These Scripts are usually found in any fservs that deal with smaller files like Text Files (*.txt). They're also found in fservs that deal with emulation and any type of fserv where the host doesn't want anything in return.


A. Proper Fserv Manners

You will soon learn that there is no worse feeling than being banned. As an experienced user and host, I understand both sides. But unfortunately, the user must follow the host's rules. And that's really understandable cosidering that hosting a fserv is a service and a major pain in the ass sometimes, so the user really isn't a priority. And that's why most hosts don't even pay attention to their fservs, cause they don't wanna deal with the users (Though I don't like that fact). So, as a user, if you don't follow the rules you will be kicked/banned so you need to learn some fserv ethics which will help you in the future. Hell, if you follow, you may not be banned ever again.

B. Staying on a Host's Good Side

Now I don't wanna come off as saying that you've gotta kiss the host's ass. That's not it at all. You see, the whole user-host relationship is easy to understand - IT SHOULDN'T EXIST! It's very simple, don't talk to the host unless absolutely necessary. Don't ask a bunch of questions and don't voice any opinions. They just don't care. If the host talks to you, then of course, talk back, but you shouldn't be an asshole and complain about the unfixable - Speed, messed up Sends, etc. And never under any circumstances, argue with the host, because it won't last long. As soon as you say something like that you will get banned. Hosts don't wanna hear it. The whole act of complaining to a host will be discussed next, but you really shouldn't have much to complain about except something being wrong with the Script (like not getting credit for uploads, nothing sending, etc.). It comes down to this: The host is doing you a service by hosting the fserv so you really don't have that much room to run your mouth to him. And most aren't open to open to constructive criticism or any suggestions so just do your business and leave. It's almost like prostitution: You upload (Pay), then you download (Fuck),then you leave. So do your business and leave. And follow their Rules Message, that's why it's there.

C. The Proper Way to Send Complaints

Ahhhh.... The infamous art of Customer Service. Basically this boils down to this: Never complain about the unfixable. If the connections slow, wait longer. If the sends aren't working, try again. Just don't complain. I guarantee ban if you complain. And it's understandable cause you're just being an asshole. But if there is something seriously wrong, like the Script isn't working right, then you have every right to complain, and do so. But make sure something is really wrong, and you're not doing something. But if you feel something is seriously wrong, then msg the host and tell them. They may get pissed if nothing's wrong, but they'll appreciate it if something is really wrong. So just use good judgement and avoid DCC Chat. Just go into the channel they're in and double click on their handle. Most hosts like it better that way. Or you could try it in the fserv windows, though they may not pay any attention to it. Well use good judgement and you'll learn how to do it perfectly with experience. One last note, when you tell them you think something is wrong, choose your words carefully; don't just blather on about how it's not sending and act like it's there fault, just say nicely and politely that you believe something isn't right and ask if they know what is wrong, if they don't, then well, fuck it.


A. Selecting the Appropriate Script

When setting up your own Fserv you have to know what the purpose is, then choose your Script. For example, a porn picture fserv would most likely want to get more pictures. Thus, it would use a Byte Ratio Script. Though, a Edgar Allan Poe E-Book fserv would most likely be a Leech Script because of the low byte size and the fact that those are public domain in the first place. So you should choose your Script carefully. Next, I will examine 2 of the most popular Scripts, and one I just like.

1. Installing mIRC Scripts

I understand that some people do not understand how to install a script. First of all, there are two different forms that you get the files: Either a zipped archive (*.zip) or an executable file (*.exe). Now when you open either one, they should say where they are going to put the files. Now, you have the option to change this location, which is suggested if the files are in a .zip . So, once you've got the files on your machine, all you do is copy mirc32.exe and mlink32.exe into the directory where you put the Script files. So if you put the files in C:/Script/ , Then you've past mirc32.exe and mlink32.exe inot C:/Script/ . That's all.

B. Setting Up the Script

Here I'll explain the basic setup process of the before-mentioned Scripts: Panzer, Polaris, and Sphoo. These three Scripts represent each type, Panzer is a File Ratio and Leech Script, Polaris is a Leech Script, and Sphoo can be all three. I'll also include a small review of each in the following sections. I do suggest reading each one, or at least Panzer, then the one your using, being that I cover most of the Script setup procedure in Panzer and many of the configurations/terms are the same in the other Scripts.

1. Setting Up Panzer

Now this one is so easy, and that's why it's the most popular Script on earth. It's a Byte Ratio Script and uses a friendly user interface that rocks. But first head to http://members.tripod.com/~ArntS/ and get the latest version. Ok, when you run mIRC with the Script there's a good bit of graphical change, but you can figure that out. All I'm doing is helping you set it up. First go to a button called <<Panzer>> at the top and choose Fserve Setup. Then right click and choose choose 'Setup/Change', then choose '1'st Time Setup'. Then change the options to your liking. You should be able to figure out each of them. Note that Ratio is set with a single number, 1:2 is 2 , 1:3 is 3, etc. Also, the Root Directory is the initial or home directory that has all the folders/files of your fserv. Basically for further configuration just use the <<Panzer>> button and look for the options. The only other necessary configurations is Starting Credit, Rules MSG, and Advertising. I'll walk you through them. But keep in mind that I am considering that you already have the 'Fserv Setup' window open and your right clicking to get to the options. Now we setup the Starting Credit. It should be under "Setup/Change", "Change" , "Starting Credit". Keep the number at least 5 digits. Just to make it look useful, and type FREE CREDIT to use Panzer as a Leech Script. The Rules Msg is also very simple. Ok, the Rules Msg options are under "Setup/Change" then Rules Msg. You'll notice there are three options: Change, Enable, and Disable. Ok, if you want a Rules Message (which you should know what it is by now), then choose Enable, if you don't think you need one, choose Disable. Now, notice that all your options are viewable in the "Fserv Setup" window. Ok, so if you chose 'Enable' then now go back to the Rules Msg options and choose 'Change'. Now Notepad (or your default text editor) will pop up and you just have to write your Rules message. I'll get to that in detail later. Finally, the Advertising configurations can be tricky. Ok, now go to the Fserv Setup window and right click and choose 'Custom Advertise'. Then choose 'Make New'. Note that if you don't make a new advertisement you do get a generic one with only info and no descriptions. Ok, back to advertising. Now, after you chose 'Make New' a small window should've popped up. Now type out your advertisement. Now the confusing part is getting the ads to run in channels. Well, the best way to do this from the start is to join all the channels you would ever want your script's ads to run. Then right click in one of the CHANNEL windows and choose 'Channel Ad. Settings' and a window should pop up with all the current channels your in listed. Now right click anywhere and choose 'Setting' , then Add, then choose the channel you want to add. Then a window pops up asking for an advertising code. For beginner's just use code 1. So when that window pops up just put in 1 and click ok. Well, that's about it. Then you just join those channels that you cut on advertising and wait for users to join. A few final notes, you have to join the channels you want to advertise in and to put your fserv online, you have to go to the Fserv Setup window and right click and choose go online. Well, that's about it. Also remember to play with Panzer's options, cause some of it's best features are kind of hidden. Once you master it it is one of the best Scripts out there. Also remember to right clickin channel windows to get more of the advanced features.

2. Setting up Polaris

Now this Script can be a little daunting at first, but once you set up the initial fserv it seems to get easier. The script, unlike Panzer, is completely a Leech Script. So, you're not guaranteed anything in return. This is best for dealing small files and is also popularly used to advertise FTP Servers. But I'm not explaining those. First, you've gotta download the Script at http://members.xoom.com/Polaris_IRC/ and set it up like normal. Now when you start it up, you'll realize that this completely changes the look of mIRC. Though that doesn't mean it's that much different. It acts the exact same way. Ok, to start your fserv, first you must go to the button at the top with the name 'Polaris IRC'. Then choose 'Script Settings', then 'File Server'. Now before I get into the actual configuration of Polaris, let me remind you that Leech Scripts use a Queueing system which I described above in the "Leech Scripts" section. Now you immediately see that this is a lot different than Panzer. But first things first. The best way to teach you how to configure Polaris is to expain each part. Ok, first of all you see the two squares that say 'Max Sends' and 'Max Queues'. Ok, now under 'Max Sends' their are two boxes, one for 'Each' and one for 'Total'. Now 'Each' is for how many sends can each user have. So if it's two, each user can only download two files at once. The 'Total' means how many total sends can go out before the Script begins Queueing files. So if it's 3, then once you're sending out 3 files and someone makes another request, then the Script will put it in Queue slot one. The 'Max Queues' options are exactly the same, except when the 'Each' and 'Total' numbers have been surpassed, the user gets a message saying he'll have to wait and request the file again. If you don't understand what the values mean completely, you can just leave them at their defaults, and your serv should work fine. Next on our learning agenda is the 'Advertising Channels' square. Now this is very simple. All you do is type in the name of a channel you want to advertise in and click on 'Add'. That's it. Of course you must join the appropriate channels for your ads to run. Next is those three small squares under 'Max Sends'. Ok, the first one, 'File Server Chat', I honestly am not sure what that is for. If you can help, please email me and tell me. I'll give you credit. The other two I do know what they're for luckily. First is 'Slot Announcer'. Now, what this does is actually one of the coolest things about Polaris. You see, when you're Fserv is full, then someone leaves, the Script will alert the channel of the newly free slot, if that is activated that is. Now, the 'Enable on Start' is also very simple. If that's on, then your Fserv will start as soon as you connect to mIRC. Simple, eh? Well the next to options follow suit. First is 'Max Users' which is the maximum amount of users allowed on your fserv at once. Next is 'Ad Delay Time' which is how many minutes your Script will wait before posting another advertisement for your fserv. The 'Note' option is just a note that will be displayed in the advertisement. Ok, now after you've got all of that filled out, then click on Trigger 1. Now here's one of the great aspects of Polaris, you can have seperate fservs. Ok, so now click 'Enable Trigger' then go to the 'Trigger' box and type your trigger. Then go down to 'Root Directory' and choose it (look above at the Panzer section for more information). Then pick the 'Welcome File' which is just your Rules Message (just make a new .txt file and write one and save it). Now your done for the most part. If you wist to have a seperate fserv with a different trigger then choose 'Trigger 2' and make a new one. But don't worry about advetising them both, Polaris will do that for you. There are a few options you need to know about. One is Queue Manager, which will let you remove files from your Queue list (In case you have an abusive user for example). That's under 'Polaris IRC', then 'Queue Manager. Just choose a file and push 'Rem'. Another option that you may want to know about is the 'FTP Ad' option which is found at 'Polaris IRC', then '-->FTP Ad<--'. This pretty straight forward and if you can setup an FTP Server you can understand this. The last option is the 'Request Ad'. The 'Request Ad' option can be found at 'Polaris IRC' , then 'Script Settings' , then 'Request Ad'. You'd use this if you're looking for a specific file. All you do is type what you're wanting in the 'Request' box and add channels to advertise, and choose whether to start the Request Ad on Connect and then choose the Ad Delay. Finally, when everything is set up, join all the channels you want selected to advertise in and right click in the channel window and choose 'Advertisements', then 'File Server' , then 'Start'. Congradulations, you're using Polaris.

3. Setting up Sphoo

Now here is a real gem. Why? Well, because it has all the features of the previous two Scripts, but with one option that puts it a niche higher than all other Scripts. And that is the option to switch between the type of Script it is. So, if you dare, go to http://www.sphoo.f2s.com and download the latest version. Ok, once you downloaded it, you'll notice you do something different to load it. Whether you downloaded the .Zip or the .Exe , you still extract the files into the mIRC (probably C:/mirc if your uncertain). Then, you run mIRC like normal. Note that there is very little graphical change, which is good if your a beginner. Now here's the odd part. To start the script, type this in the Status Window: /load -rs sserv121.mrc . Now that is a little weird, but once it's in there Sphoo has been loaded onto your mIRC client. Now press F12 and let's get into it. Now when the window pops up, click 'Enable SphooServer' and take a look around. Most of these options should be familiar if you're moving up to Sphoo Script from Panzer or Polaris. The trigger option is pretty straight forward, but for the beginner I'd leave the square beside it unchecked for obvious reasons (Basically it's too advanced). The 'Home Directory' is, of course, the root or first folder of your Server. Now the next option, 'Multiple Home Directories', is a great feature. This will let you set up multiple fservs, with unique Home Directories, just like Polaris. Just click on add, type a trigger, and fill in the other values. The next option is the most intriguing reason to use Sphoo in the first place. I don't know of any other scripts that have this option, and that is to switch the Script between the three basic types: File Ratio, Byte Ratio, and Leech. So choose whichever and fill in the appropriate options (I explained each type in detail above; see the Table of Contents). Now a lot of people get confused about the next option, 'Logging'. But basically all it does is keep a list of 1)What was uploaded/downloaded , 2)Who did the uploading/downloading , and 3)When they did it. So it's really nothing serious/necessary , but if you do want it, then fill in the necessary fields as desired. Now on to the 'Other Options'. The six options at the top, with the larger white boxes beside them, should be familiar to you, except Advert Interval, which is just how much time is between ads (in seconds). Now the 'Add Channel to Channels List On Join' will add all the channels you join while the box is checked to the 'Channel List' which I'll get to later. The option beside it will join every channel in the 'Channels List' when you connect to mIRC. The 'Show User has just left !Trigger' option is just a slot announcer, like on Polaris (look above), and the option beside it is self-explanatory. The last two options are: 'Enable Function Keys' and 'Enable Fileserver READ Command', both of which are reccomended to be on. Now the 'Channel List' button will allow you to edit what channels you advertise in. All you have to do is type the name in the 'Channel' box and push 'Add'. The 'Advertise On' option lets you decide whether to advertise in all the channels your in, or to just advertise in channels on your 'Channels List'. It is suggested that you not use the 'OpHelp' option as of yet, because it's unnecessary for beginners to the Script. But the 'Banning' option is absolutely necessary. This is the way to ban those assholes and idiots from your fserv. All you do is type their handle in the 'Handle' box and push 'Add' and that's it. You can also Remove them later if you wish. The 'Announcements' option lets you make announcements in the channel and the 'Welcome Message' is the equivalent of a 'Rules Message' for Panzer. You just type it out and push 'Ok'. The last option is one of the most important. This is what you use to keep those viruses and improper files out of your fserv. Just click on 'Reject File Extensions' and type in the extension in the black fieild and press 'Add'(i.e. to block .jpg pictures, you'd type .jpg). I'd suggest typing a message in the long blank field to post to the person uploading illegal files. If you check 'Alert Me' the script will tell you if someone trys to upload something you don't like. The 'Duplicate File Rejection' option lets you decide how the Script should handle files uploaded (or not uploaded) that have the same filename as something on your serv already. And if you create a filelist then it will do, as it says, make a big filelist with everything you have on the serv. Ok, now close all the windows except the initial Sphoo window. Now for the last options that you need to know, go to 'Commands', <>SphooServer<> (which'll be followed by a version number), then notice the 'Disable SphooServer' option which will take SphooServer offline. And below that there is an option of 'Unload <>SphooServer<> which will completely take the Script off your mIRC client. Now if you set up your fserv right, join all the channels you've set for advertising and enjoy yourself. If you have any problems just push F12 and see if something's wrong. Just try to play with the settings 'til it works, and there is always the website http://www.Sphoo.f2s.com which I believe the Script writer takes questions. Well, happy SphooServing!

C.Writing a Rules Message

The Rules Message is one of the most important parts of a fserv. It's the way that a fserv host basically lays down the rules and it is the only time that a host will be able to communicate with a user and warn them of what will happen if they break the rules. But what's the proper way to write a Rules Message? Well, it's actually simpler than it may seem. First off, you should have some key elements - 1) Say what you offer 2) Say what you want uploaded 3) Tell what they'll get banned for 4) Tell them whether or not they can message you 5) Have your Rules Message clearly readable. Don't use stupid slang or ignorant spacing. Don't waste time and get to the point. And whatever you do, don't use ASCII art in your Rules Message, it always looks like crap. So there you go, just lay down the rules and boundries and ban them if they don't follow. Note: Some Scripts refer to the Rules Message as the Welcome Message , but it's the same thing.

D. Writing an Advertisement

One of the most lucrative and oldest businesses in the world is advertising. And now it's your turn. Surprisingly the basic idea of advertising on mIRC is completely different than in the real world. How you ask? Well, for one, the channels you advertise most definately has a theme, so your not just blurting out an ad and hoping someone with that interest sees it, instead your guaranteed someone in the place will like it. So how do you go about writing it? Simple. You keep it short and to the point. Don't tell people what they'll get banned for or any of that, just tell what you offer and what you want. And list anything that will earn leech. That's it. That's a good and effective ad. For example, if your in a mp3 channel, and your serv deals mainly in rap mp3s, then your ad may say something like: !RapMusic offering: Great rap tunes by album and artist, organized well. Wanting: Any good Gansta rap and will give leech for rare Tupac mp3s. That's it. Very simple. It's short, to the point, and still interesting. And it tells people what to expect so they don't join, unless interested. By the way, the !RapMusic offering: part is something common if using Panzer Script, so don't put that in your ads. Well, that's about it.

V. Final Words

A. In Closing...

Proper fserving is one of the best qualities to have if you plan to enjoy your mIRC time. Whether you're just fserving or wanting to start your own, the tips and lessons in this tutorial will help you in the future. I know that fserving, and mIRC in general, is and never will be user friendly, but hopefully this tutorial, and others like it, will help make it at least seem that way. Well, feel free to distribute this tutorial in it's unedited state as you wish and visit http://www.members.tripod.com/slacker24k/ for the latest versions. Also check out my other website at http://www.the-pain.com . Thank you, and enjoy yourselves. I know you will.

B. Credits/Shouts

Since this is the first realease version of the 'The Proper Way to Fserv on IRC' tutorial, there aren't that many people to give credit, as I pretty much did this alone. But I guess I should at least give the software their credits (Links to them will be in the Links portion). Thanks.

1. The Credits

mIRC - The greatest piece of chatting software on the planet
Panzer Script - The easiest Script to use and what got me into fserving
Polaris Script - The most versatile Leech Script out there
Sphoo Script - The BEST Script on the internet

2. The Shouts

1. People

the_ph34k - One of my best friends
RastaJew - Great fserv host, awesome guy, real helpful
phishie - A good host, but has yet to organize anything
SuperGear - A fantastic host who is actually helpful
RoadServ - Yet another great FServ host

2. DALnet Channels

#Roms - The best place to get roms of any kind
#bookwarez - The ONLY place to get e-books of all kinds; look for me (GueriilaServ)
#mp3z - The best place to get Mp3s (I mean LEGAL Mp3s)

C. Author's Contacts

If you want to contact me, then please do. I'd appreciate any help on improving this tutorial, whether by suggestions, or helping me fix any typos or wrong information - Yes, I admit I fuck up sometimes. So please help me out. You can reach me at the following address.

[email protected]

D. Links

Here are all the necessary links for your fserving needs. I also included some good computer-related sites and some hacking sites. Note that I do not endorse the illegal hacking of computer systems and those sites are to be used for educational uses and only educational uses. I also added some of my sites.

This Tutorial's Site - http://www.members.tripod.com/slacker24k/ - Come here for the latest versions
mIRC - http://www.mirc.com - Download mIRC!
Panzer Script - http://members.tripod.com/~ArntS/ - Get Panzer
Polaris Script - http://members.xoom.com/Polaris_IRC/ - Get Polaris
Sphoo Script - http://www.sphoo.f2s.com - Get Sphoo
mIRC-X Script Source - http://www.mircx.com - Download various types of Scripts
New Order - http://www.neworder.box.sk - Learn anything about computers
Black Sun - http://blacksun.box.sk - Become a computer expert
Happy Hacker - http://www.happyhacker.org - Become a (mostly) Harmless Hacker
Phrack - http://www.phrack.com - Learn what the government doesn't want you to know
Psyon - http://www.psyon.org - Yet another source for all computer info
The Pain I Feel Inside - http://www.the-pain.com - My Korn site ([{SHAMELESS PLUG}])

E. Updates

This version is version 1.0. This is the first released version, so the chances of typos, errors, and just plain wrong info is high. If you see anything wrong with it please email me. I'll give you some credit. All I've done since the TEST VERSION (.01b) is I added a more graphical appearance to the title, added a few more sections and I've fixed some typos. Remember, http://www.members.tripod.com/slacker24k/ is the place to go for future versions/updates. That's it.

F. The End

This tutorial was about as fun to write as it was difficult. It has been a long trip, but it's finally done. Please feel free to email me any suggestions, corrections, or typo alerts; I'd appreciate any feedback/input. Remember that http://www.members.tripod.com/slacker24k/ is the site to go to for the latest versions. And please feel free to distribute this on your site, fserv, etc. as long as it's unedited, I don't care. Well, that's all from me. So, happy fserving to you.

-Dakota Bryant
[email protected]




"You laugh at us cause we're different, we laugh at you 'cause you're all the same..."

-Author Unknown