
Unix Clan
Lecturer: Mikestevens
Email: [email protected]
Lecture: Cable Modem Hacking

<Mikkkeee> k, mikestevens u want to begin second lecture?
<mikestevens> 3min
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<Y0Yo> ::)
<mikestevens> ok ok
<mikestevens> I got my snackies
*** mikestevens sets mode: +m
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> grin
<Matt> I've not finish my Weatabix :)(
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* DigitalFallout has his coochie
<mikestevens> Hacking @home cable for educational purposes only
<Guy_SJS> has anyone sewen kript0n
<DigitalFallout> Edit that out by the way :)
<Guy_SJS> the REAL one
<mikestevens> lecture notes at http://blacksun.box.sk/test/cablem.txt
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<Sup|ED-209|Craft> ofcourze :D
<Matt> Hey mikestevens, I've decided you guys over there are a little out of it: you've got Diet Weatabix in the US!
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<mikestevens> all these things were tried out on copperd and perfectly legal revenge for all those crackers
<Matt> heh
<DigitalFallout> Only in america would you get a SuperSized Big Mac Extra Value Mean but still Get a diet coke
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> gimme food for my brain!
<mikestevens> anyways we all know cable is insecure
<mikestevens> we all hear it
<mikestevens> Is it true?
<Matt> all broadband is insecure
<mikestevens> Well at first I didn't think so.
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> yes mr.mikestevens :)
<mikestevens> When I got my cable modem I tried running a sniffer and got no one else's traffic
<mikestevens> secure eh?
<Mikkkeee> nope
<mikestevens> well maybe a little
<mikestevens> but there are several problems
<Matt> infact, the only thing secure is my Casio WX500... and I can lock that took
<mikestevens> lol
* Matt shuts up
<mikestevens> First we can steal unused IPs
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<mikestevens> this is on BSRF already, I think
<mikestevens> you can do this by really normal means
<mikestevens> even in windows
<Edrin> well, my locker in my case is quite save, too...
<mikestevens> you can just set your IP to some unused one and get online most of the time
<mikestevens> sometimes you may have to reboot you CM because it can only hold but X many computers
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<mikestevens> my cablemodem the SurfBoard 3100 (external) can only hold 6MACs
<mikestevens> and is limited to 5IPs with DOCSIS
<mikestevens> so, there are limits
<mikestevens> the cable companies could secure this up more
<mikestevens> so that theft would be impossible, but they seem to be lazy
<mikestevens> like what else is new
<mikestevens> anyone have the link for the BSRF doc on simple IP theft?
<mikestevens> anyways onto IP hijacking
<mikestevens> This is when some bastard you don't like has alot of crackers and you want to impersonate them
<mikestevens> for you to hijack their IP they need to be on the same router, possibly the same port
<Edrin> btw:
* Edrin wonders if there is a way to takeover a satelite...
<mikestevens> first you need to be on the same subnet
<mikestevens> brb
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<Guy_SJS> geez
<Guy_SJS> he isnt suppsot to leave in the mddle of a lecture
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> Edrin: still didn't found your answer?
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<Edrin> Sup|ED-209|Craft: have we met befor?
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<mikestevens> sorry
<mikestevens> doggie emergency
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> Edrin: no , but i saw your questions
<mikestevens> had to go out
<mikestevens> anyways
<mikestevens> first you need a host on the same subnet
<Edrin> mikestevens: heheh :)
<mikestevens> so you can get their MAC address
<mikestevens> very important
<mikestevens> so if you aren't on their subnet do this
<mikestevens> ifconfig eth0:1 24.x.x.65 broadcast 24.x.x.255 netmask
<mikestevens> make sure the IP is unused
<mikestevens> (see above stuff)
*** Guy_SJS sets mode: +v Prophecy2K1
<Prophecy2K1> thanx
<mikestevens> then you can see them as a local LAN user, and can get their MAC addy, very important
<mikestevens> next you want to use arpredirect from the dsniff package
<mikestevens> Registering 24.x.x.69 to our MAC
<mikestevens> arpredirect 24.x.x.69&
<mikestevens> tada
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<mikestevens> we are stealing them now
<mikestevens> this sends out bogus arp packets to our yet to be IP
<mikestevens> saying we are now them
<mikestevens> now you want to stop services, etc...
<mikestevens> take down eth0
<mikestevens> and bring it up again as their IP
<mikestevens> you should have no problems
<mikestevens> go in and add your default gateway again
<mikestevens> and start up your services
<mikestevens> tada
<mikestevens> you are them
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: +v TracerT
<mikestevens> Q&A time
*** mikestevens sets mode: -m
<Matt> whu
<Matt> its that easy
<mikestevens> yup
<mikestevens> isn't everything
<mikestevens> any questions people?
* Matt trundles off to take down calbeinet.co.uk
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> Matt: i thought you was the big brain here :D
* Mikkkeee is editing the first lecture
<Ellis_D> hmm..can you set up a place where we can try this out maybe?
<Mikkkeee> heh
<Edrin> isn´t the only way to do this with windows by using the libpcap-clone winpcap? (i mean for the arp-fake maybe win2k can do it but win9x, too?)
<Matt> Sup|ED-209|Craft, broadband has never been heard of in the UK :(
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<Frydo> where's the point in this exercise ?
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> lol
<mikestevens> say copperd is giving out crackers
<mikestevens> and you don't like this
<mikestevens> and want him to stop
<mikestevens> and make him be nice
<TracerT> so there will be a lecture on ASCII
<TracerT> ?
<Leper> :)
<mikestevens> you would hijack copperd's IP
*** TracerT is now known as [T]racer[T]
<Matt> cheese crackers?
<mikestevens> and log onto IRC as him
<mikestevens> and start takeing back all the crackers he gave out
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<mikestevens> and not impersonate an admin
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<mikestevens> well anyways
<mikestevens> onto the cool part
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<mikestevens> intercepting downsteam traffic
*** mikestevens sets mode: +m
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> this is better then school lecture, why not make 'BSRF School' ? :P
<mikestevens> first thing first
<Matt> mikestevens, are there any time when you can't become the stealer?
<Matt> bobbie: node position?
<Ralph> later
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<mikestevens> Matt: when you are not on the same router
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*** MasJCrasJ is now known as _MasjCrasj-
<mikestevens> routers cover alot of ground though
<mikestevens> usually a few mile range
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> mikestevens: so the data to the IP that is not be used, goes to the router?
<mikestevens> so people at school, neighbors, etc are all potential victims
<mikestevens> that slut next door
<mikestevens> etc...
*** mikestevens sets mode: -m
<Matt> mikestevens, I was under the impression most cable companies cluster their routers and create a mesh network?
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> later ppl
<mikestevens> Sup|ED-209|Craft: I don't really understand what you said
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> i will xplain later
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<mikestevens> Matt: they have local routers and link them with FDDI
<Sup|ED-209|Craft> later
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<mikestevens> then the FDDI ring goes to the local datacenter
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<mikestevens> anyways onto intercepting traffic if no one has any more questions / comments
*** mikestevens sets mode: +m
<mikestevens> ok
<mikestevens> first we need to know a little more about the network
<Matt> afk
<mikestevens> you have the cable router, your cable modem/router, and your PC
<mikestevens> the cable modem is nothing more than a bridge
<mikestevens> meaning it sees traffic on both sides and seamlessly forwards as needed
<[T]racer[T]> there gonna be an lecture on streamz here?
<[T]racer[T]> *stringz
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<mikestevens> the 3100 surfboard has a webserver which you can play with from inside your network
<mikestevens> I found the IP by sniffing
<mikestevens> and I saw IGMP traffic coming from that IP
<mikestevens> so I browsed to it
<mikestevens> anyways, the bridge is based on MAC addresses
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<mikestevens> so if it sees your MAC behind the bridge it will let in traffic that is destined to that MAC
<mikestevens> the outside has no clue what is going on with the Cable modem
<mikestevens> another issue
<mikestevens> not all cable modems will detect the MAC how mine does
<mikestevens> you may have to try arp packets to fool it into it
<mikestevens> I will provide both ways here
<mikestevens> so onto the interception
<mikestevens> first you want to find the targets MAC
<mikestevens> get onto their subnet
<mikestevens> and ping them or something
<mikestevens> then do an arp -an and write down their MAC
<mikestevens> also do an ifconfig -a and write down your MAC
<mikestevens> it is best to hard boot your cable modem at this point
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<mikestevens> that way it clears the memory of MACs
<mikestevens> this is done by pressing the little reset button in the back or however you documentation says so
<mikestevens> it should take a few minutes up to 30 to get back on
<mikestevens> so in the time being
<mikestevens> you want to stop all services
<mikestevens> then bring down eth0
<mikestevens> then type this with the target's MAC in place of it
<mikestevens> ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:00
<mikestevens> bring the interface up with your IP address and normal settings
<mikestevens> add your default gateway
<mikestevens> and ping the router a few times till it works
<mikestevens> take back down the interface
<mikestevens> and bring it up again with your settings
<mikestevens> start up your services again
<mikestevens> and ping the router again to make sure your are on
<mikestevens> you should now be getting the target's downstream traffic
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<mikestevens> you can use all your fun sniffer tools to invade their privacy,etc...
<mikestevens> I will open up a Q&A section while I get the code mods for the ARP section
*** mikestevens sets mode: -m
<mikestevens> any questions?
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<[T]racer[T]> yes
<mikestevens> ok
<Ellis_D> does the person whose traffic we are stealing have a way of knowing we are doing this?
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<ToRmEnThOr> i think so
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<mikestevens> no
<[T]racer[T]> NM
<mikestevens> they can't see it
<shellfish> i havnt follow this very well, but is this secure? are the cops gonna come knocking on your door or what?
<ToRmEnThOr> no?
<mikestevens> your cable modem silently passes on the traffic to you
<Ellis_D> hm
<mikestevens> probally not
<ToRmEnThOr> cool
<mikestevens> unless someone checks on your cablemodem
<mikestevens> hijacking is a little riskier
<[T]racer[T]> and what if someone does it?
<mikestevens> they will probally just think the cable is out
<mikestevens> interception is less risky
<mikestevens> well first they have to prove you did it on purpose,etc
<[T]racer[T]> but if noone sees my cabel modem?
<mikestevens> but if you don't tell anyone they probally will never know
<[T]racer[T]> hehe
<mikestevens> actually if you bring up the interface (when you are using their MAC as your MAC)
<mikestevens> with a local IP
<mikestevens> sometimes the CM will see that
<[T]racer[T]> but on some External cabel modems there is a way to connect to the modem
<[T]racer[T]> from the local machine
<[T]racer[T]> and check what's up there
<mikestevens> and there will be no traffic hitting the real network (cable network)
<[T]racer[T]> *in there
<Edrin> well, in this case you are using spoofed MACs and spoofd IPs on the "same cable" so it would be extremly dificult for others to find you (well, if there are only 2 computers on the cable... anyway: police does not know what an arp table is
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<[T]racer[T]> LOL
<mikestevens> lol
<mikestevens> good point
<Nokio> hey guys
<mikestevens> anyways for the other method of getting your CM to see you
<mikestevens> I made a simple mod to arpspoof.c
<mikestevens> of dsniff
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<mikestevens> I commented out the arp_send routine on line 193
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<SpiderMan> DF: I'm going to DCC the linux networking log to you, ok?
<mikestevens> you can get the CM to see you like this with the modified arpspoof
<Nokio> hey all, is the lecture over?
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<mikestevens> ./arpspoof -t victimip victimip
<mikestevens> then controlC it
<mikestevens> it will send out the needed packets saying their IP is their MAC
<mikestevens> but
<mikestevens> the important part
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<mikestevens> your Cable modem will think that the computer is in your lan
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<Edrin> mikestevens: i have onece done an ip+mac spoofer for windows using the winpcap. that´s a nice thing but i never realy found out what use there is on it?
<mikestevens> well this could be a use for it
<mikestevens> :-)
<[T]racer[T]> for what MAC stends
<[T]racer[T]> ?
<mikestevens> ?
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<Ellis_D> media access..
<Ellis_D> or something
<mikestevens> something
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<mikestevens> I forget
<[T]racer[T]> yes
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<Ellis_D> controller?
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*** _ZhorTroX- is now known as Esamurai
<Ellis_D> no..
<[T]racer[T]> LEMME check in the BOOX:)
*** Mikkkeee sets mode: +v Esamurai
<mikestevens> just call it their ethernet address
<mikestevens> now
<mikestevens> on to why you can't get the router's traffic
<mikestevens> and stay on
<Edrin> i think it comes from the BigMac... the inventor once eat a BigMac when he infentedarp and MACs
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<SpiderMan> Media Access Control
<mikestevens> well if you broadcast this stuff and make the CM think that the router is inside your network
*** Esamurai is now known as _Esamurai-
<mikestevens> it won't forward data for it out
<_Esamurai-> mikkeee this are masjcrasj and zhortrox at esamurais house actually.. lo
<mikestevens> so you will then be screwed and can't get online
<Edrin> or maybe MacGyver...
<[T]racer[T]> MIKESTEEVENS: mac is not only their address, its their Uniqe address, and its hardware address that you cant change
<mikestevens> so don't try doing this as the router and expect to get everyone's upstream
<mikestevens> cuz you won't be online yourself
<[T]racer[T]> LOL
<mikestevens> anyways
<[T]racer[T]> my router is a backbone
<[T]racer[T]> thats KEWL!
<Edrin> [T]racer[T]: yes, you can change it by using simply another in softwaremode
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<mikestevens> there are some otherways to hack your cable modem that I have to research more
<mikestevens> the software is updated with TFTP
*** _Esamurai- is now known as MasjZhorEsam
<Mikkkeee> hehe
<gUeSt51> hi evrybody
<mikestevens> if you could spoof that you could reload your CM with a new image and enable yourself to sniff all traffic including upstream
<mikestevens> so that would be really cool
<mikestevens> other things could include spoofing DOCSIS commands
<shellfish> a maybe not related q: we have bought a new switch for the comp. club, and they say it "can ban mt harwhare address", is that MAC?
<mikestevens> so you could change your limits and the like
<[T]racer[T]> thats a nasty one
<Edrin> in addition to that only MACs of LAN-cards are fix. i know that the MAC of a modem is created by random in windows and then gets saved in the registry... dunno how it is with cablemodem
<mikestevens> shellfish: yes
<shellfish> ok tnx
<mikestevens> ok
<mikestevens> for security
<gUeSt51> i have an issue concerning paltalk: anyone have any idea how to get ip's through paltalk?
*** mikestevens sets mode: +m
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<Mikkkeee> wb
<[T]racer[T]> gest: netstat LOL
<[T]racer[T]> *gest
<mikestevens> you can use arpspoof to send out arps for your computer
<[T]racer[T]> *guest!
<Mikkkeee> netstat -a
*** Matt is now known as M[a]tt
<mikestevens> that way if sometries arpsoofing against you
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<mikestevens> your computer has counter arps going out
<mikestevens> much nicer :-)
-M[a]tt- its late, nite :)
<mikestevens> as for sniffing
<mikestevens> don't use cable
<mikestevens> or get a secure tunneled connection elsewhere
<mikestevens> and use proxies through that
<mikestevens> use SSH
<mikestevens> etc...
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<mikestevens> as for local arp security
<mikestevens> add static arp entries for all your computers
<mikestevens> for servers this is really important
<mikestevens> so one sever can't be hijacked as easy
<mikestevens> that should really be a whole other lecture
*** Parts: Y0Yo
<mikestevens> it would also be good to know your enemy
<mikestevens> get a program to detect stealth scans
<mikestevens> or use arpwatch
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<[T]racer[T]> where are all the lectures stored, cos i am in college, so i cant be on every lecture:(
<mikestevens> that way you can see people being naughty
*** Parts: Prophecy2K1
<Mikkkeee> heh
<mikestevens> now that is it
<mikestevens> I will provide a few links
<mikestevens> then close up with a Q&A section
<mikestevens> just remember Cable is not secure
<mikestevens> http://www.gi.com/noflash/sb3100.html <<< page for my Cable modem
<Edrin> yes
<mikestevens> its a bitch
<mikestevens> http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/cable/bbcwcrg/bbcmts.htm <<< wonderful page on cisco cable router commands, if you would ever need this
<[T]racer[T]> whos on linux box outa here?
<mikestevens> It was on the neworder board
<mikestevens> I'm not sure, matt might have something to do with its posting
<mikestevens> http://www.monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/
<mikestevens> Dsniff
<mikestevens> this sniffer set is awesome
<mikestevens> get it
<Mikkkeee> yup
<mikestevens> http://www.ethereal.com
<mikestevens> Ethereal
<mikestevens> great sniffer (I use tethereal)
<mikestevens> can decode aim traffic coming on the downstream
<mikestevens> one more thing
<mikestevens> if you want their aim password (naughty naughty)
<Edrin> you can find a collection of sniffers at securityfocus
<mikestevens> e-mail it to them with the password reminder
<mikestevens> and wait for them to check their e-mail
<mikestevens> it will be in their downstream for mail
<mikestevens> well thats it
<mikestevens> now for Q&A
*** mikestevens sets mode: -m
*** Parts: Y0Yo
<Edrin> mikestevens: i wish i would have a cable modem :) that would be much fun
<mikestevens> Just a question, was this too technical?
<[T]racer[T]> i am geting ADSL soon
<Edrin> do you have some firms on the same line?
<[T]racer[T]> very soon
<Mikkkeee> nah
<mikestevens> does anyone want anything explained better
<Mikkkeee> mike u going to release a tut soon on this topic right
<[T]racer[T]> mikesteevens: so wich cable modem to buy?
<mikestevens> I will post some source code and a better explanation later on my site, and hopefully on bsrf
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<b0iler> mikestevens: well, I think it was too much of a guide rather than a way of teaching them about networking and cable modems
<gUeSt51> i was looking for in depth registry tutorials
<K3rNEL[PAn1C]> does anybody have the complete logs ??
<[T]racer[T]> guest: www.regedit.com
<[T]racer[T]> :)
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<[T]racer[T]> kernel
<mikestevens> try my cable modem
<gUeSt51> thnx TracerT
<mikestevens> its nice
<[T]racer[T]> I have them.
<mikestevens> if you have an external surfboard
<mikestevens> browse to
<[T]racer[T]> nope
<mikestevens> play around
<mikestevens> RCAs are also common
<mikestevens> I don't like them, I had one and it broke alot
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* Mikkkeee got all the logs
<mikestevens> well I have to go eat dinner
*** Parts: PhoeniX
<SpiderMan> good job mike
<mikestevens> so if you have any questions e-mail me at [email protected]

<--------------End of lecture------------>