ERROR 101: You have installed Windows. ERROR 102: Windows could not find the error. ERROR 103: Windows could find the error, but is just being a pain in the ass. ERROR 104: This error message was paid for by Nike. NIKE! Just do it! ERROR 105: **** you. We don't have to explain our computers to users! ERROR 106: Windows is tired and would like to get some sleep. ERROR 107: You have used the words "**** Bill Gates" on IRC. Your computer will now mysteriously explode. ERROR 108: 1337 |-|@x0®z 0\/\/|\| j00® a55! ERROR 109: Windows wants to piss you off. ERROR 110: Oh, sorry, nothing was wrong after all. ERROR 111: Hah! Made you look! ERROR 112: Subconscious message alert. The web page you are trying to view contains messages that may APPLE IS EVILsubconsciously make you want to vote for Al Gore. ERROR 113: You have tried to remove Windows and install Linux. Windows will now attempt to drag you kicking and screaming into the pits of hell with it. ERROR 666: Bill Gates is the antichrist! He started talking in Seattle and there was an earthquake. ERROR 114: Bill Gates can't get any. ERROR 115: Bill Gates ran out of sweater-vests. ERROR 116: []°%%!® (undecipherable machine code) ERROR 117: Fire! Fire! error 118: your shift key has been damaged. from now on you will never be able to properly punctuates the posts that you make on bulletin boards causing no end of annoyance to the other users. ERROR 118: Intel Inside. Doo doo doo doo! ERROR 119: Ha ha! ERROR 120: You have discovered the truth about Bill Gates. You will have to be silenced mortal. -The_Chaotic_1